Life is short, time moves fast. Sometimes we don’t realize it and all of a sudden, the years go by fast.
We should enjoy the present moment and take advantage of our existence here on Earth.
Life lifts us up, but it also brings us down, but we must not let ourselves be defeated.]
Our mission is to find our way, to start from somewhere.
Throughout the journey that is Life, we meet all kinds of people, wonderful people who lift you up and give you wings to fly, people who stay with you and who accept you exactly as you are, with lights and shadows, with falls. and climbs, with unspoken joys and sorrows that you accumulate in your soul over the years.… others bring you down and go to the first gust of wind… once you are no longer useful to them. We always get lessons from people. ..
Many times we lose ourselves, somewhere, on the road of life and give up dreams, hopes, for the sake of others, forgetting how strong we are, how much we can do, if we stop for a while to find ourselves and observe what that is what we really want. The power is in us, always there, just waiting for a spark to shine and ignite the flame of all the small joys, but great in meaning.
There are few who are there for you, always, to get you up from the fall you sometimes throw yourself into. I don’t have many such people with me, but I cherish them with all my heart, always carrying them in a little room of my soul.
In Life we must rely on ourselves. We are the only ones who have the power to lift us off the ground, the power is only in us.
When you go nowhere, anywhere only where you were not, and you always turn around in the world in which you live, then it is time to find a dream that is yours.
When the path you follow is in line with your possibilities, you begin to see new horizons towards what you want to be.
If you are wondering if now is the time to pursue your dreams and goals, the answer is definitely.
Before you set off, it’s important to know who you are.
The greatest discovery you can make is to discover yourself.
Everything we look for outside is already inside us.
And we find all the answers to any question we ask ourselves in life if we go deep inside ourselves.
To know who we are, we must already have a foundation.
Most people mistakenly believe that success is easy … but any lasting success takes time and is based on a foundation in you.
Who are you, what do you want from life?
How do you make sure that, on your way to success, you know who you are and where you are in relation to life?
We all need in our lives a foundation and a place of our own, a basis to be able to evaluate who we are and where we want to go.
It is very important to know who you are, what your foundation is, where you come from, and then to know where you are going.
The foundation is very important, without it everything you build will collapse.
As you discover what is possible, the first step is the hardest, until you do it, no dream comes true.
Don’t look at what happened yesterday, be strong.
You have the will and move on.
Don’t wait for the right moment because it will not come.
You don’t have to know more, do more, now is the time.
With Love,