Living beautifully

Throughout our lives, each of us, at least once in our life, has gone through difficult times: the death of a loved one, the loss of a family member, illness, separation … moments that have profoundly marked our lives. one way or another.

Life not only sends us wonderful moments, it also sends us a lot of pain, they are all with a precise purpose, so that we can evolve.

Life does not always get in the way of the people we want.

Many of them will hate you, others will hurt you, others will leave you, others will love you, and all this will strengthen you every time, becoming the person you are today.

When you look back on the past years, you don’t think about the pain you felt at that moment, you think about the power you gained going through all those moments and the lessons you received from every person who has gone through your life, and you appreciate how far you have come.

If you hadn’t lived uncomfortably, you would have stayed in the comfort zone without giving meaning to your life.

The art of living and being happy is not about eliminating problems, but about how we evolve with them.

One day we will understand that all that God has allowed has been for our good.

How many times have you wondered who you really are, are you sure you know who you are?

Certainly, You are not a title, you are not your career, you are not the material goods you possess, you are not your Ego. You are what is inside you.

In you is an ocean of love, well-being, peace and harmony.

When you look up at the sky, and see that wonderful universe … the sun, the moon and the stars … they always shine for no particular reason.

Whenever we hear the birds singing, they do not sing and are not happy only when they have a specific reason, they always do.

Likewise, if we are curious to look inside ourselves, we will begin to live differently. We have everything in us, we have the resources to shine, not just to survive. It all starts with us, it all starts with us.

A poor man is not a man without money, but one without dreams.

If you continue to wait considering that someone outside has to fill the void in your life, make you happy, you are sorely mistaken, this will never happen. It is your responsibility to take care of your garden every day, what you want to feed weeds or flowers.

Who feeds his inner garden every day, blooms daily.

Open your wings, you have nothing to fear, there is no fear, there is only the fear of starting something new, but that something new will contribute to your transformation.

Give yourself time, and give meaning to your life.