Mind your garden

The mind is like a garden. If you take care of your mind, if you feed it and cultivate it like a fertile garden, it will blossom far beyond your expectations.But, if you let the weeds take root, you will never achieve lasting peace of mind and deep inner harmony. Is it like the old saying, which urges you to always see the glass half full? This is a correct way of looking at the situation.

Good gardeners guard their gardens and ensure that no contamination enters them. Yet look at the toxic waste that most people throw into the fertile gardens of their minds every day: the worries, anxiety, restlessness about the past, plans for the future, and self-created fears that litter the inner world. Worry drains the mind of so much of its power and sooner or later hurts the soul.

People who have the same thoughts every day, most often negative, have sunk into bad mental habits. Instead of focusing on the good in their lives and thinking of ways to make things even better, they are prisoners of their past. Some of them worry about failed relationships or financial problems, others fret over their less than exemplary childhoods. Others dwell for a long time on insignificant matters: the way the employee at the store treated them, or the apparently malicious comment of a colleague, friend or relative. Those who use their minds in this way allow worry to rob them of their life force. They block the enormous potential of their mind to work the magic of transformation and bring into their lives everything they want – emotionally, physically and spiritually. These people never realize that mastery of the mind is the essence of mastery of life.

Regardless of what happens in life, you alone have the ability to choose how to react. When you form the habit of looking for the positive aspect in any situation, your life will reach its highest dimensions. This is one of the most wonderful natural laws – and it all starts with the more efficient use of the mind.

All success in life, regardless of whether it is physical, material or spiritual, starts from the thoughts you cultivate in your mind, every second of every minute, of every day. Your outer world reflects the state of your inner world. By controlling your thoughts and the way you react to life’s events, you begin to control your destiny.

There are no mistakes in life, there are only lessons. There are no negative experiences, only opportunities to grow, learn and advance on the path of self-control. From struggle comes strength. Even pain can be a wonderful teacher. I suggest you stop judging events as positive or negative. Rather, simply experience them, celebrate them and learn from them. Every event offers you lessons. These lessons fuel your inner and outer growth. Without them you would have remained stuck in life, and you would never have discovered your value, that what you are able to do is worth much more than your intelligence quotient. Most people have evolved the most following the hardest trials they have gone through. If you come across a result you didn’t expect and feel a little disappointed, remember that the laws of nature ensure that always, when one door closes, another one opens.

The mind is a wonderful servant, but a terrible master. If your thoughts are mostly negative, it’s because you didn’t take care of your mind and didn’t take the time to train it to focus on the good.

Winston Churchill said “The price of greatness is responsibility for each of your thoughts”

The limits of your life are only creations of your ‘I’.


Holistic Coach