How to be Happy

Happiness  is a choice. We all have the power to choose our own happiness, and in doing so we can create a better world-  Brené Brown

Being happy is something that many people strive for every day. It’s essential to take care of your mental health and live your best life possible, but it can be hard when you’re not sure how to do it.

How much money do we have? Are we in a loving relationship? Do we have the career of our dreams? A great body?

Many of us, live our lives longing for such things, believing that these are the paths to happiness and peace. That is, until we get them and wake up wanting something else. There will always be a next wish waiting to be fulfilled. We always want more when it comes to the outside world.

Every human being is unique, therefore each of us has different desires, needs and perceptions, we are bio individual.

For me, Happiness is just peace, harmony and Love.

Happiness it is the state of well-being, contentment and joy.

Happiness is actually the origin of each of us, because we were born of Love, we are Love.

It took me many years of knowledge to get here. For many years I did not know what my purpose was on this Earth, I walked in the dark, as other people of the system we are part of…

In fact the society in which we live made us so. For  long time I believed that I was  how others see me and what others think of me…. In other words the opinions of those around me they mattered a lot …and therefore my well-being was generated by the way others saw me and not by the way you saw myself.

Was all this true ???? Certainly not… My inner world is not reflected in my outer world.

The moment I really discovered who I am, what my desires are, my needs and what really made me happy…. that was the road to me… it was a long and difficult road, a road sprinkled with thorns and thorns, but it was well worth it.. but, I arrived at my destination … and I really like what I see and what I have become.

In fact, this was my original destination, since I was born, I was predestined to get here.

How does our brain see happiness?

One people’s problem may be another’s opportunity – is this situation genetically determined?

Cognitive behavior will cause you to change your beliefs about things that depress you. A small percentage of our happiness coefficient is based on the situation in our lives.

The situation of your life – Are you healthy? Do you have a beautiful house? Are you a successful person?

These things can be a minor determinant of happiness. They can make us happy in the short term, but in the long run the happiness we set out to count will matter.

Our Voluntary Decisions and Actions – Making decisions that lead to our fulfillment and deep satisfaction makes us happy.

The meaning of our achievements – to count in the lives of others or in the way of the world, to feel our inspiration, to be intuitive and conscious. These are the things that bring happiness, and by making others happy, we are happy too.

Be aware of your body- Your body is the cosmic computer of universal intelligence. Listen to the messages of comfort and discomfort that your body offers you and you will be able, spontaneously, to make the right decisions regarding it.

Live now – Don’t anticipate events. Let yourself be swept away and you will be able to connect with the realm of consciousness called nirvana.

Embrace the peace – Meditate and listen to your breath. The silence between your thoughts is an ocean of infinite possibilities.

Give up asking for outside approval – Free yourself from both criticism and compliments. You feel neither superior nor inferior to anyone.

Get rid of toxic emotions – Complaining about others is like drinking poison and thinking that this will kill your enemy.

Give up hostility and anger.

Be aware of yourself – The world is a mirror of your own level of knowledge. Always ask yourself – “Who am I? Why I’m here?”

Don’t judge others and don’t judge yourself. – Wake up and be grateful for who you are. Tell yourself that you will not judge anything that comes your way. Forgive your shadow, as well as the shadows of others.

Eliminate toxins from your life – Toxic substances, food, habits, emotions, work, relationships, environment, etc. It only creates disproportions in your life.

Stop thinking with fear, but with Love – Every time you choose something, ask yourself if it will cultivate your experience of unity and love or the experience of separation and stress. Witness your vigilance – Watch yourself as if you were playing a movie. This means realizing that you are not your body or mind, you are the alert witness of your conscience.

Therefore, choosing to be happy requires work and effort, but it depends only on us.

Being happy means that at some point you decide to take control of your life. This means that you have decided to stop victimizing yourself, you cannot be a victim, you can only be the victim of your own limited thoughts and beliefs.

You are the creator of your own destiny.

You have only one life and it is only in your power to improve it.

Live beautifully – live healthy, live in harmony with your body, spirit and mind! Witness your vigilance – Watch yourself as if you were playing a movie. This means realizing that you are not your body or mind, you are the alert witness of your conscience.


With Love,



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