Inner and outer beauty

Oftentimes, when we speak about beauty, we tend to focus on what we put on the skin, and not enough about what we consume internally.

What we consume extends far beyond the foods we eat. Which is absolutely important to support our wellbeing, that eventually is reflected on our face.

But beauty, also includes how we speak to ourselves, and we give our energies to.

Being conscious and aware, of who we allow into our energy field, and the messages we speak, we also reflect on our face and how we feel.

When we’re happy, that shows up in everything about us.

The way we carry about ourselves and the way we care for our spiritual wellbeing, will reflect on your face, as well in ways that nothing else can.

There are many ways to connect with our inner beauty. For example, taking time to meditate, doing affirmations, breathing exercises daily, these can all support our overall sense of self, and help improve the way we feel and visualize ourselves.

One of my favorite rituals that I fuse with my beauty routine is going outside, saying prayer of affirmation, and that energy from that affirmation, is going to be transferred to me by me. It help calm my mind, and its lifts my overall vibe, I definitely feel the difference in the days.

Setting aside, just an extra 10 minutes in the morning, before jumping out of bed and cheking your phone or your emails and social media, it can alter how your entire day goes.

So, give it a try and give it a try for a week, and pay attention to how it makes you feel.

It can be hard to recognize natural beauty in yourself.

What are three aspects of your natural beauty that you appreciate?

To a better inner beauty,


Integrative Nutrition Health coach