Pain or Suffering?

There is a huge but subtle difference between Pain and Suffering. The pain is real and physical, suffering is controllable by us. Pain is a sensory experience. If I fall and fracture my knee, I naturally feel physical pain. Suffering,  on the other hand, is a mental choice, that  serves only to prolong the pain. …

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What Are Phytates? The main purpose of phytic acid in plants is to protect them from bacterial and insect infections. In the human diet, phytates can affect the absorption of important nutrients, such as zinc, iron and calcium, if they’re eaten in the same meal. Plant seeds store the mineral phosphorus in a naturally occurring …

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Yours actions define you

Your competition isn’t other people. Your competition is your procrastination. Your ego. Your lack of focus. The unhealthy food you’re consuming. The knowledge you neglect. That negative behavior that you’re nurturing. It’s time to wake up Compete against that.

Chickpea- fiber and protein

Garbanzos and other legumes are some of the most nutritious foods on the planet. They’re a healthy source of  fiber, plant –based protein  and a number of vitamins and minerals. In a 1/2-cup serving of cooked garbanzo beans, you’ll find the following nutritional profile. Calories: 135 Protein: 7 grams Fat: 2 grams Total Carbohydrates: 22 grams Fiber: …

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