Happiness – The Reason To Live

What is Happiness?

I must admit that this subject has fascinated me in the deepest and most conscious way almost always.

But what is happiness really?

Although it is a normal and natural aspect of any person’s life, it seems that more and more people lose their happiness. It is not something that is learned, but an innate ability to be. Happiness is in you. Happiness is the reason for living, or in other words our true nature.

The way we perceive ourselves can have a very concrete impact on our way of life.

Happiness is the direct result of the way we perceive everything around us. But to find happiness, whatever it is, we must first define what exists in our lives, understand how we work, what makes us truly happy, and then embrace those moments.

Is success the key to happiness?

Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. When you get to do what you love, then you will be successful, you will be happy.

Happiness is subjective. Many times, we omit the most important aspect, the fact that happiness is subjective.

Each of us is  unique, and therefore it is normal to have different perceptions of the way we see things.

For some, happiness is the achievement of professional goals, capitalizing on personal values, living for a cause or for those around you, for others it is the simple pleasure of enjoying morning coffee, or contemplating the sunset and sunrise of each day.

Sometimes, the latter is the only thing we need to light our way to happiness. We need a little to be happy, but most of the time, we humans complicate our existence, we hurt ourselves with our thoughts, blaming others, on circumstances, situations, when in fact, the cause of all problems is in the mind and our thinking.

Do you know who the person you will always be able to rely on in life is? It’s really you.

No one will be able to make you happy, as long as you are not happy  with yourself.

Seek to understand who you are, look inside yourself, not outside yourself, find yourself, be yourself, be authentic, believe in yourself and your strengths, don’t compare yourself to anyone but yourself, who you were yesterday and who you are today, go on your own way, not on the way of others, because that way you will never reach the desired destination.

Look at who you are and not what others are, you are not like others, others are not like you.

Focus on what you do, not what others do.

Start by becoming aware of your personal values ​​and qualities and continue with those activities that bring you pleasure.

Be the light you want to see in others.

Give every day, even a smile, you will see that it will return to you!  God has endowed us all with all the resources to have a happy life, to shine, to live and not to survive.

It all depends on how we think, how we see things, in a word, our life reflects what is inside us, we are what we think.

If we are happy it is only because of us, if we are unhappy it’s just because of  us, we are the protagonists of our lives.

It is never too late to become what we want to be. Live beautifully, love Life.



5 thoughts on “Happiness – The Reason To Live”

  1. Grazie Elena…spero che un giorno arriveremo tutti a vedere la bellezza di questa vita…siamo quello che pensiamo!!!

  2. Te iubesc,!
    Esti minunata si reușești să pătrunzi în cel mai ascuns si întunecat loc al sufletului, loc pe care de cele mai multe ori omul incearca sa-l închidă bine .
    …..Dar tu cu iubirea si înțelepciunea cu care te-a binecuvântat Domnul , reușești să schimbi întunericul in lumina.

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