Happiness is not a destination, it is a choice

Why are some people happy and some not?

Because, some choose to be happy and others choose to always be concerned about what they lack.

Because, some choose to see beauty from any circumstance and others remain eternally dissatisfied, thinking about what might happen in the future, thus losing the essence of the momentary thing.

Because, some really live, putting soul into everything they do, while others are superficial, cold and selfish.

Because, some seek their happiness in money, while others build their own lives around people.

Because, some choose to find themselves and discover their vocation, while others get lost with the lack of vision.

Because, some understand that a purity of thought in your own life automatically influences the world around you and everything around you.

After many years, years in which I was on the ground many times, I fell and I got up …. again … I fell, I got up, but every time I got stronger. Each time I had with me Love, Our Father, who never abandoned me.

I have always had the desire to surpass myself, to evolve, to understand who I am … and I UNDERSTAND ….. whether I am happy or not, that does not depend on anyone, it only depends on me.

I am the only person on whom my happiness depends!

I, I determine to be happy in every situation and in every moment of my life, because if my happiness depended on any person, thing or circumstance, I would have serious problems.

Everything that exists in this life is constantly changing.

The human being, our body, our wealth, everything around us is in constant motion.

I learned that only I can decide to be happy, and the rest I call… EXPERIENCE.

.There are people who say:

I can’t be happy… because I’m sick, because I don’t have money, because it’s too hot, because it’s too cold, because someone insulted me, because someone stopped loving me, because someone didn’t value me…

But, what you don’t know is that… YOU CAN BE HAPPY… even if you are sick, even if you don’t have money, even if it’s too hot, even if someone insulted you, even if someone didn’t love you or valued.

When you start looking inside yourself and not outside yourself, you will see the true treasure that exists within you, you will see that you have everything to be happy.

Then you will understand that no one in this world can hurt you, no one can offend you, no one can bring you down, no one can underestimate you … but… ..It is ONLY YOU, the one who made you and you get hurt every time … YOU with YOUR MIND!

You can’t decide what’s going on around you, but you can decide 100% what’s going on inside you.

Albert Einstein said: Life is like cycling. In order to maintain your balance, you must continue to move forward.

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