


To succeed you have to believe


I chose this title because I thought it was very suggestive… To succeed….you have to believe


So if we don’t have faith… we can’t have a purpose in life, we can’t move forward in life as long as we don’t believe…..

It’s all based on faith… on our beliefs….

If  you can or  you can’t both are true.

If you tell yourself you can… You can, if you tell yourself you can’t- you can’t.

To trust, to believe is to be  have inner security, which each of us we can only acquire it through faith.


To believe is primarily to trust yourself, your strengths, to know who you are.

Every human being, I think, wants to feel fulfilled by what he does… to make a difference, to fight for a cause.

But who Am I?

I am Elena, a person  like any other, with joys and pains, with dreams fulfilled and unfulfilled..


I grew up in a family surrounded by an ocean of love, being the youngest of my family I can say that I was always spoiled..at least according to my middle brother..

I grew up in a family where as a child I saw what it meant to love, to give, to love your neighbor.

I grew up in a family where my parents didn’t have a legal titles, but they had the highest title….the title  of being parents and extraordinarhuman been.

The loss of my family in dramatic circumstances, my mother, my father, my husband, my brother, have has deeply scarred me, I thought I would never recover.

But, their love is always with me, so one day, I got up again. I realized an important truth:


Each of us comes into this world to create our own life story.


We each come from diverse families, we have diverse beliefs, diverse abilities, we are unique, we are the protagonists of our lives.

Every day we have the opportunity to color every day of our lives, in a rainbow or clouds.

Our life is every day as we do..

It’s our choices every time, we can’t blame anyone else if something doesn’t work in our lives.

In everyday life, in family, friendship, work…

If we don’t change anything in our lives, nothing will change.


Nothing around you will change as long as you don’t change.


A lot of people are afraid of change… I don’t know why… ..

-because they  don’t believe in themselves, they  don’t know who they are…

– Maybe they’re unhappy with what they’re doing…

– Dissatisfied with the life they have..

– Dissatisfied with what it looks like..

– Dissatisfied with your their life partner..

– Dissatisfied with how those around them behave towards and with them..

If I ask them what they did and what they have done  … they admit that they didn’t do anything…


Because they’re afraid of change…


I know it’s not easy, it hasn’t been easy for me either, but if you really want something and you believe in yourself, you believe in what you’re doing, you’re going to make it.

Miracles  don’t happen overnight…

Every time I fell   either fail or feel could fit here I am not certain which you want to say,I got stronger….

I know my inner capacity and strength best, no one else does.


God has endowed us all with all the resources we need to shine, and not just survive.

We have all embarked on this journey called Life, with the quiver full of gifts from God…

therefore, we have everything necessary to shine…

further is our mission… to make our lives shine day in and day out.

We’re all geniuses.

But if we judge a fish by the ability to climb trees, he’ll live his whole life under the impression that he’s not smart.-Albert Einsten

The same thing happens to us, people.

A lot of people think …I can’t, and they  always stay that way for the rest of  their life.

Too few choose to express what they are..

To be yourself, not to copy other people, to express what you are, not other people are, to have your dream and not other people’s dream, to go your way not on other people’s path.

Do you know why you’re like this?

Because since you were little, you others may have implemented these beliefs...They have told you many times that:

You’re not good enough, other people have, you don’t look like others..

And you grew up with these beliefs.. And so you set off with a baggage of negativity where you actually saw yourself lost, and thinking that without someone near you ..You will never be able to realize your dream…Because you can’t..

The society in which live ..promotes competition.. promotes how to make money and not how to discover yourself. They do not care who you are.

You know what you where missing? Self esteem . As long as you don’t know who you are and what you want…you will continue to walk in the dark, you will never find the way that will lead you to the light…Happiness…Wellness..

Many of us are always looking elsewhere for what we think we need, but we forget what is most important: our person, we forget to look inside ourselves, to see the treasure that is inside you.. us…. to see the love, the talent, the grace we have.

We are in this world to shine, to spread light, to be light to those around us.


We’re here to reap our daily blessings and not our troubles.


It’s a blessing to wake up every morning….and another person doesn’t exist anymore.  So many people do not wake up, and cease to exist.

It’s a blessing to be able to see… when other people can’t..

that we have a family.. when others don’t have it.. that we have something to put on the table when others don’t have anything to eat… when we have people who love us and appreciate us when others don’t… when we have someone who thinks of us..


Albert Einsten said:

Life is like riding a bike, to maintain your balance you have to keep going.


Nobody tells you that youyou have to be you, express what you are, do what you’re capable of doing…

I don’t know why we have to compare the Sun to the Moon… when everyone has his brilliance and splendor in various times.


It took me a while to understand this but I understood it after years of suffering and study, I had to learn on my own, and I learned by hitting all these barriers:

I understand that until I start treating myself properly, no one around me will, unless I change anything, nothing will change.

No one will stand around forever to  feeling sorry for you…

So stand up and answer the problems,  start putting them in order.

The My solution was to transform myself, to change my way of thinking

Only we  can choose what kind of attitude  I will have to approach every day…. Will it be positive or negative?


I’ve learned that it matters how I choose to look at the difficult changes in my life, the attitude that I adopt and it  must be positive no matter what I am going through.

If I have a positive attitude, I will look for the full side of glass, I will focus on finding opportunities and enjoying the difficult part I am in, because this period grinds me and will bring out the best in me.

And eventually I’ll be happy even if the situation I’m living isn’t the one I want.

I learned that To exist is to change, to change is to grow up, to grow up is to grind endlessly.

I learned that … You’re not what you think you are, but you are what you think.


I’ve learned that all I can do in life is be who I am.


I’ve learned that God doesn’t give you more than you can carry.

I learned first of all to know what I really want from Life, from myself and from those around me.

I’ve learned that the only person I can count on in life is myself…

I’ve learned to focus on the talent I have and what I know best to do and I love to do..

I’ve learned to be flexible and not to be frightened  when I don’t know how to do what has to be done, but to always have a thirst for knowledge… to learn.

The changes never frightened me, but on the contrary, I always sought opportunities from any change any chance I given to me.

I have learned that all the sufferings I have been through have strengthened me even more and made me the   person I am today.


I have learned that all that I have had and have in my life has been and are blessings, and I am grateful if the good Lord has given them to me I must give forth.

I understand that all that I am, all that I have had and have, is because the good Lord loves me, the graces I have are all the blessings of God.

I’ve learned that every man sees you beautifully… Ugly, Rich… Poor… Based on what he is… based on the wealth or poverty in their soul… based on what he is..

I’ve learned that I’m here to shine, to live in peace and harmony, to give… to make the garden of my soul every day full of flowers…

I’ve learned that all I can do in life is be who I am.

I’ve learned that some people will love me just because I am me, others will love me for what I can do for them and others won’t like me at all.

I’ve learned to choose people after my soul and with whom together we will to create the immensity…

I’ve learned to get rid of all that’s toxic to my soul… people with whom I do not enjoy, with whom I can not laugh, learn, grow, evolve situations, circumstances..

I’ve learned to fly every time I don’t feel like I belong to a place, a circumstance…

I’ve learned to shine every day.. because yes, I’ve come to shine, not to survive.

I came into this world to make sense of my life… I’ve come to give… THE LIFE OF MY YEARS AND NOT YEARS OF MY LIFE.

 I know there’s always someone around us who’s stronger, who works in all things, works with us and for us, and takes care of us.

 He’s next to me, next to us, telling us who we are and what our purpose is.

He’s with us to tell us that we haven’t been and we’ll never be alone…

He’s there to tell us …..fly and  know that I always believe in you, you’re extraordinary, you’re unique, I’ll be by your side until the end ..

I’ll end up with a quote by Lucian Blaga:



Hi, there

I’m Elena Filipescu, Integrative Nutrition Health coach.


Health and wellness became my life and more than that, it gave me a clear vision of what is possible for my  body, mind and spirit. With this  new found knowledge I want to support other people in their health journey and realize what’s possible for their life.


My Credentials

I prepared for the career of Integrative Nutrition Health Coach at the Institute of Integrative Nutrition in New York – the largest school of nutrition & coaching in the world, the only one to examine more than 100 dietary theories in holistic terms – and to specialize as an integrative health coach.

My education and experiences have given me a profound understanding of how vitally important proper Nutrition and Lifestyle are to achieving optimum health.



We have an understanding that being healthy is not just about the food on your plate; it’s about your state of mind, the love in your life,  the water you drink, the air you breathe, the amount you exercise, whether you have a fulfilling career and spiritual practice, and so on.

Primary food and the food you eat (secondary food) should be looked at together rather than separately.

Whether you are looking for Nutrition Health Coach  or a great health podcast I can give you the tools allowing you to make informed decisions about your health that will lead you to a live a life of vibrancy, vitality and well being.



What does your life look like?


Health is a state of physical, emotional and mental well-being, it is the state of harmony between mind, body and soul.

Optimal health is when your mind and body are in harmony.


 – Services- Nutrition consulting 

Personalized Nutrition Programs


Hippocrates said: the whole disease begins in the intestine.

If he was right?

Our ability to digest and assimilate nutrients is as important as the food we choose to eat. And this is where I start, with digestion. Our digestive system houses approximately 70% of our immune system. It absorbs the nutrients that are required by each and every one of our cells. And it eliminates waste and toxins from our body. If it is not able to perform these vital functions our health begins to fail and the opportunity for disease sets in.

The gut is basically the barometer of the rest of the body. In our gut,we have almost a whole another organ living inside of us which is the microbiome, and that’s another buzz word going around right now.
What exactly is that? It’s basically a conglomeration of a bunch of bacteria living in there. These bacteria are working in conjunction, what we call a symbiotic relationship, where our body and the bacteria are working together to perform for our body in the sense that we’re
taking in nutrients and these bugs are processing and helping us bring the nutrients into the body, and then when we’re detoxifying and eliminating things out of our body that we don’t  need, the bacteria, this microbiome are doing that, too. They’re helping detoxify and helping
remove things out of the body.

Symptoms of a struggling digestive system are an indication of nutritional deficiencies. These include issues such as:

  • fatigue
  • bloating
  • skin problems
  • irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
  • arthritis
  • constipation
  • diarrhea
  • autoimmune disease
  • hypothyroidism
  • mental fog
  • depression


What is Holistic Nutrition?


As a Holistic Health Coach, I work with clients to create synergy within these elements identifying root causes of deficiency and harnessing the power of food to address them. This individualized approach enables to address many health concerns including digestive issues, allergies, autoimmune disease, high blood pressure, eczema and more. Fundamental to this holistic way of life is a diet rich in natural, alive and good quality whole foods and striving to create  a non- toxic living




To live responsibly –  To live well

  • To understand health not as the purpose of our existence, but as a resource of our daily lives.




My approach

My  approach to nutrition consulting is an integrative one. I strive to uncover the root cause of your symptoms through comprehensive assessment foods with targeted nutrients, supplementation if necessary and lifestyle modification that will fit it your daily routine and lead you towards your health goals.When you wanting yo learn more about healthy eating, nutrition consulting helps you to identify the diet that works best for you and your lifestyle.



What categories of people do I work with?

I help clients who want to  establish and  improve their long-term health in the following directions:

  • balance between body, spirit and mind
  • body weight optimization
  • improving sleep quality

have a more informed relationship with food

⦿ decrease psychophysical stress

⦿ improve the sleep wake rhythm

⦿ optimize your time

⦿ plan for major changes

⦿ discover new approaches to well-being

  • restoring bowel health

Jim Rohn, said:

Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live in.


My contact:

e-mail: elezuin@yahoo.com

cell:  + 1-206-596-6781

Elena Filipescu – Facebook

Filipescu.elena- Instagram



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