What did you eat for breakfast today? 

More often than not, we tend to consume more simple carbs in the morning that spike our blood sugar, causing that mid-afternoon crash soon after. If you eat a typical American breakfast of sugary cereals, waffles, bagels, orange juice, you’re probably all too familiar with the fact that what you eat affects how you feel.

This is especially concerning if you (or your child) struggle with ADD/ADHD.  

Adults and children with ADD/ADHD (attention deficit disorder – attention hyperactive disorder) are especially sensitive to excessive sugar, artificial dyes, and inflammatory foods like dairy early in the day.

Your brain needs the right fuel throughout the day to work for you, not against you.
Consuming more protein at breakfast helps you feel more motivated, focused, and clear-headed throughout the day with an extra bonus if you include more vegetables and berries in your diet.

Not only that…did you know that your brain uses 25% of the calories you eat? The food you eat is essential to your brain health.





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